Official Programme 2019

View it here (PDF)


For this year’s film festival, we believe there is no subject more pertinent or urgent than exploring humanity’s impact on our planet.

We firmly believe in the power of film and storytelling, to make a positive impact, and so we are excited to announce this year’s festival theme: Edit the Environment, there is no plan(et) B.


Winning Films 2019

  • Best Animation.

    My Dead Dad’s Porno Tapes
    Charlie Tyrell

  • Best Bite Size.

    Pride In London, Pride Jubilee
    Fred Rowson

  • Best Comedy.

    Tim Wilkime

  • Best Documentary.

    Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis

  • Best Student Film.

    Myrsini Aristidou

  • Best Edit The Environment.

    73 Cows
    Alex Lockwood

  • Best Drama.

    Jeremy Comte

  • Best Music Video.

    Wiley, Boasty
    Henry Scholfield

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